
How did GES begin?

About Golf Enviro Systems, Inc.

 Colorado State Flag
Colorado Owned & Operated for 25 years!

What Makes the GES Team Different?

After 25 plus years in business, we at GES believe that if we inform and educate our customers, it will help them to be pro-active and not reactive.  If they KNOW what’s in their soil and water and then apply the proper nutrients for optimal health, the long term benefits will be reflected in their turf AND their budget.

Every member of our sales staff is a past golf course superintendent or sports turf specialist with over 60 years combined experience in the field.  We understand our customer’s needs because we have been in their shoes.

How do we put that to use?

We offer and have extensive knowledge and expertise in soil and water chemistry
We tailor individualized fertilizer programs to meet the customer’s needs
We provide a wide array of innovative products from the best manufacturers
We provide excellent customer service

We provide cutting edge products to support:

Golf Courses
Sports Stadiums
School Sports Fields
Sod Farms/Landscapers
And more….

Our Beginnings…

Golf Enviro Systems was formed in the spring of 1992. It followed a sequence of events in the life and educational process of its president, Gary Schinderle, CGCS.

Gary was originally studying and seeking a degree in hotel and restaurant management. At the same time he was working part time at a golf course in Joliet, Illinois. It soon became apparent that he was skipping classes to put in more time at the golf course, and it naturally followed that he changed his curriculum to horticulture and graduated from the University of Illinois in 1975.

After graduation, he worked in turf maintenance product sales. Following this, he was the superintendent for 27 holes in the Waukegan, Ill. area. After 5 years he and his wife, Rebecca, decided it was time for a major change, and Gary accepted a position at an 18 hole course in Lubbock, Texas. Needless to say this was quite a change. It was during this time that Gary became a Certified Superintendent.

In 1985 his employer decided to build a new course in Denton, Texas and asked Gary to relocate there and help build and grow-in a new 18 hole course. Little did Gary know how challenging this would be!

Oakmont was planted in the fall of 1985, with bent grass greens and 419 Bermuda. Things proceeded smoothly, as smoothly as can be expected with construction and development of a new course, until 1987. In June the greens began to deteriorate rapidly. A disease complex was suspected, but standard chemicals showed little or no results. All of the attempts to correct the problem through known cultural practices failed.

Further investigation focused on the quality of the irrigation water due to continued increase in the sodium levels in all soil test reports. Armed with the knowledge that the water quality was poor and not conducive to turf growth, a water treatment system was installed to manage the problem. After this frustrating experience Gary decided to share his information with fellow superintendents in the May 1990 issue of Golf Course Management. Subsequently he was awarded the Leo Feser award for his article entitled “Identifying and Correcting Severe Water Quality Problems.” He thought that was the conclusion of his ordeal but soon after the article, he began receiving calls from all over the U.S. and Canada about the process of water treatment.

After a year of thought, he and his wife Rebecca decided to begin their own company in the Colorado Springs area. The business formed around Gary’s personal experience and his dedication to the needs of today’s turf managers.  Combined with Rebecca’s extensive business expertise, GES was born.

23 YEARS LATER… We have put together a line of quality products, many of which Gary has personally used in his 16 years of experience as a golf course superintendent.  GES is still committed to your overall experience from order to delivery.  We will provide you with the best products and services and promise to keep up to date with the latest information and technology about what’s going on in the industry.  That’s why you trust us… because we have been in your shoes and we have your back!

We promise to stay true to our roots and to help you feed yours!