In The Know Blog

Listing of Uncategorized blog posts

2016 Spring Newsletter


If you have not received your 2016 GES Spring Newsletter in the mail please call us for an updated address. The Newsletters were sent out last week.  Here is the online version. 2016 Spring Newsletter

Freight, Transportation & Logistics


The trucking industry is going through changes as more and more baby boomers are set to retire.  As a result, some loads coming into our warehouse are taking longer than usual.  The key to having your product when you need it is to ORDER EARLY and avoid slow transit times that are out of our
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Turfgrass Disease Activation


TURFGRASS DISEASE ACTIVATION - TEMPERATURES & INFECTION SITES Professor H.T. Wilkinson, Plant Pathology - University of Illinois  Disease Name Activation Temperature (F) Infection Site Anthracnose 46 – 61 base of leaves C-15 Decline 61 – 77 leaves Brown Patch 80 – 95 base of leaves Dollar Spot 61 – 77 leaves Fairy Rings 61 – 87 thatch
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A visit to the Land Down Under


A Visit to the Land Down Under No, this isn’t about Australia, sorry. The land down under I am concerned with is the part of the soil called the rhizophere. The word rhizosphere is derived from the Greek word for root and world (or surroundings). It is the area found in close proximity to the
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